
Release Notes

9/12/2019 - 2.9K+ Reached

Almost three thousand users reached through the AI

8/29/2019 - Maxwell AI Launched on Google

After many attempts to deploy and being rejected for various bugs, Maxwell AI (savealifeproject) was approved for deployment to the public on Google Assistants & Google Home

8/15/2019 - Maxwell AI Launched via Phone

The goal still wasnt being reached because it was only reaching user's with smartphones or computers. This is why the AI was made modified to be reached by a phone number. Now anyone who had or had access to any phone, including landlines, could reach Maxwell.

8/9/2019 - Maxwell AI Launched via Web

The AI was created but still unavailable to the public. The first steps were created a website or landing page for the project. Soon after the AI was integrated into a chat bot using Botcopy, making it accessible to virtually any device.

2017 - Save A Life Project Founded

Save A Life Project was originally created as a final project for Girls Who Code program held at Twitter Seattle. After completing the program, the project wasn't in use for many years. In July 2019, the project was completely rebuilt and repurposed, shifting focus from general first aid facts to a interactive multiplatform AI.